PrintSpec allows you to match your print to ISO 12647, G7, or any other international or in house standard.

Key Benefits:
CMYK colour control & verification software
Standardised print appearance job to job, press to press
Shorten make-ready times, reduce waste and match proofs
Consistent colour - a common objective for Printers and Clients
PrintSpec allows you to match your print to ISO 12647 or G7, or any other international or in house standard. Improving colour consistency in your organization while reducing make-ready times & waste, PrintSpec is the ideal tool for colour professionals with an interest in producing high quality print complying with the targets and tolerances of ISO 12647 or G7.
PrintSpec allows Printers to generate comprehensive ISO 12647 pass/ fail reports generated from the small press control strip placed along with production CMYK printed work. Printers requiring a system for straightforward ISO verification will need PrintSpec software plus a spectrophotometer for measuring the PrintSpec strip. A variety of popular spectophotometers are supported.
PrintSpec presents the data in a visual, easy to understand summary page, with the ability to go into more depth information on other pages. The summary page includes information about the CMYK inks, the overprinted colours, the Dot Gain (TVI) and Grey balance. A quantifiable ‘Percentage of Excellence’ scoring system is built in.
The up to date targets and tolerances of ISO 12647, SWOP and GRACol are selectable from pull down menus, and custom in house standards can be generated for special applications.