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Print quality management across a brand's global supply chain white paper
Key stakeholders such as brand guardians, brand managers, marketing directors and the wider creative team are all aware of the importance...

What is Quality?
Mellow Colour explore the difference between Quality Control, Quality Assurance and Quality Management Systems.

Quality Control in Printing Explained Simply.
Imagine a world where your colour quality is consistent across all substrates, in all regions, every time, all of the time.

PQM - It’s a team game that everyone can win
We are hearing more and more about PQM these days, but does everyone understand what that is?

How we are doing our bit for Sustainable Fashion
Mellow Colour are working with apparel suppliers improve PQM efficiencies and reduce waste.

How brand owners are driving the print quality management movement
Brand owners require reliable colour conformance & successful brands are now driving PQM.

Colour Bars - the devil is in the detail
What are these mysterious colour bars? They are a small & mighty hero in colour critical print.

Print Quality Management adds value, faster than it adds cost.
Using standards & a measured approach, printers can better service buyers & grow their bottom line.

Print Quality Management: The challenge of accurately managing colour critical print
Brand owners expect a new level of conformance & transparency from their printers. We help both parties.

Instilling confidence into your remote print quality management procedures
Can you confidently achieve remote print quality management?

ISO 12647 provides print colour management you can trust.
Brands & print buyers use ISO 12647 compliance as an easy way to quality check a print provider.

Print Quality Management. Safe in our hands.
We provide global brands with safe, secure systems to monitor & improve PQM.

Getting together... remotely!
What challenging times we are living through! As the Covid-19 lockdown continues, this global crisis knows no borders and has hit...

Mellow Colour Achieve ISO 27001 Certification
Mellow Colour have successfully achieved the comprehensive ISO 27001 information security accreditation. The requirements of the ISO...

Mellow Colour Achieve G7 Certification with innovative PrintSpec 4.0
PrintSpec - print quality management software has achieved the prestigious G7 Certification. Idealliance confirms that PrintSpec 4 meets...
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