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Printer Spotlight on: SML Shanghai

The print team at SML Shanghai have proved they really know how to do things in style.

With international clients including top fashion brands such as Marks & Spencer, the printing and packaging specialists have strict colour quality standards to meet.

So who else would they turn to but Mellow Colour for a colour quality management system and training they could trust?

After SML Shanghai’s latest ISO 12647 ImpressionProof audit, that trust has now paid off, as the colour team not only managed to maintain high QMS scores, but also achieved an impressive 100% print score.

The perfect print score means SML Shanghai have joined the exclusive Mellow Colour 100 Club and also earns them the honour of being our September Printer of the Month.

Mellow Colour’s consultant partner in China, Meiling Ho, was on hand to congratulate Colour Champion YingHui Zhao’s team on their success after their colour management audit.

YingHui was thrilled with his team’s achievements. Speaking about the benefits the Mellow Colour system has brought to the print team, he said:

“The main advantage of the Mellow Colour system is the ongoing feedback that enables us to talk through our colour quality management in our daily meetings. Our team has gained a great deal of colour management skills from the Mellow Colour technology and training. It’s great.
“Meiling is always very professional and patient during our colour management audits, which we use to guide our daily work for M&S.”

But despite the team’s impressive audit result, YingHui isn’t prepared to rest on his laurels: “Even though we have a 100% print score, there is always room for improvement! The colour management software and professional knowledge we gain from Mellow Colour is great for helping us to continually improve.”

Congratulations to YingHui and the rest of the SML Shanghai print team.


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