Exchange print run reports, saving time and money for fast internet based print approval.

Key Benefits:
Internet approval of colour critical printing - Faster turn-around times, less work in progress
ISO 12647, G7, Special and brand colour standards - International or Bespoke standards are supported
Process agnostic - Offset, Gravure and Flexo etc.
Online sharing of print run metrics - communication using science not guesswork
Customers (typically brand managers, publishers, retailers and print managers) can specify colour definitions so that suppliers can download them for production purposes. Printers in turn can upload print run reports for customer approval creating a streamlined communication dialogue.
Print run and proof reports include colour metrics, images and user comments so that the exchange of technical data is unambiguous and immediate. Real time print run approval without the expense of travel and time involved in press passing.
Time saving and speeding up the approval process reduces overall job costs, improves the financial outcome and prevents problems before they become expensive.
It is for instance, quite common for an exact brand colour to be impossible to achieve on a particular customer specified substrate.
The printer can in this case upload a report before starting the print run to get customer approval for the non-conformance.
Improved and faster communication between customer and suppliers using a system based on measurement makes the printing process more attractive to customers and more profitable for printers.
Access to the print approval process and technical data online reduces the need to travel to approve colours, resulting in a positive environmental impact.
The integrated Mellow Colour family of products provide print professionals with the tools to print to any International or Brand specific standard. Measuring and controlling the printing process goes hand in hand with time and cost saving, reduced waste and improved supply chain efficiency.