Colour Quality Management
ISO 12647 Colour Management
The integrated Mellow Colour family of products and services gives print professionals the assurance of being able to consistently print to ISO12647, or any other standard.
Calibrating and controlling the printing process goes hand in hand with time and cost saving, reduced waste and increased customer satisfaction.
Mellow Colour products work together to provide easy and accurate colour standardisation and communication whether you are a printer, print buyer or publisher, anywhere in the world.
We offer a simple approach to the complex issue of implementing process control over the entire production workflow. Printers face concerns when adopting new standards such as ISO 12647, but Mellow Colour are experienced and can guide printers through the procedure in a simple and cost effective way.
Mellow Colour high performance solutions, training & consultancy services are currently being adopted by some of the biggest brands in the world for analysing, certifying and controlling colour.

Our print quality management training ensures printers have both the knowledge and the technology to produce consistently standardised results
Print Colour Management Training
Printing to ISO 12647, ISO 15311, or brand-specific colour standard to identify problems, cut waste and shorten make-ready times.
ISO 12647 Implementation – Using ISO Standards to measure performance and tune the printing process
Spot and Special Colour Management – getting the brand colours right first time
Print Quality Management Training
The tips and tricks of building a robust and flexible quality system to get the best from your organisation.
Mellow Colour Proficient Printer training uses key elements of the ISO 9001 framework, but with more emphasis on the people who do the job and the technicalities of how to produce consistently standardised printing.
Building a team of people to focus on getting the best from your equipment – using the measurement based approach to print quality.
Key elements of the Mellow Colour methodology:
Departmental procedures and work instructions
Continuous Improvement and the Team approach
Training records and individual competencies
Instrument care, accuracy and calibration
Records of production metrics for identifying trends
Management Commitment

Colour Management Training